Offerings for Mind, Body and Spirit
Offered by Bryan, Reiki (Pronounced Ray-Key) is an ancient holistic healing practice believed to have roots in both Japan and Tibet. "Rei" meaning "God's Wisdom" or "Transcendental Spirit" and "Ki" meaning "Vital Life Force Energy" or "Universal Energy". Translated into English, Reiki means Universal Life Force Energy. Some of the names for this energy include Prana from India, Chi' from China; the American Indians call it Orenda, the Hebrew calls it Rauch, and the Japanese know it as Ki. Ki is the energy that animates all living things, animals, plants and humans, and is found all around us. It gives life to every bone, muscle, cell and tissue of our body. If this life energy is low or its flow is restricted, then we are vulnerable to illness. By channeling of this energy from Source, which is pure Divine Love, and sharing it with the recipient, the energy/Reiki accelerates the body's natural ability to heal by loosening blocked energy and assisting the body in the release of toxins allowing the body to restore its natural balance. Because the energy is channeled from the Universal Source, there is no limit to what Reiki can do. Remember, Love heals all things.
A variety of reasons bring a client to Reiki. Some want help with managing stress. Others just want rest. Some are looking for answers, desiring a knowing, an understanding of Purpose and a greater sense of connection to God. Some are pregnant or have just labored. Others are desiring to remove blocks to conception! Some want to find appreciation and love for themselves. Some are dealing with relationship problems. Others have migraine headaches, body aches, malaise, and low energy or feel stressed and overwhelmed. There are those that are sick, and some are unhappy in their lives, and still, others are in wonderful health and life couldn't seem any more perfect. Reiki can help anyone.
Following Consultation, the recipient rests on a healing table, fully clothed; the Reiki Master or Practitioner will gently rest their hands upon or near the person, non-intrusively, in a series of intuited positions from the crown of the head to the feet. Pain, stress and tension melt away as the Reiki energy is shared in a safe, healing way that soothes and nourishes you from head to toe. As the energy flows, the person receiving the channeled energy may feel warmth, or heat, or a tingling sensation emanating from the Healers hands. Other sensations and experiences may include seeing colored lights, visions, receiving spiritual messages, a sense of wholeness and well-being, and being enveloped and filled with pure Divine Love. Sometimes, people have an emotional release with some crying and others laughing, yet others, may not experience any visions or feeling any particular range of emotions, though most agree that it leaves them feeling calm, at peace and balanced, energized, alert and connected. Whatever the experience, as it is divinely given, it is always perfect. A typical session will usually last just over an hour but may vary based on particular needs. Reiki is also the perfect accompaniment to BioGenesis as their energies work so well together so combination sessions can be very beneficial.
RATE: $140.00 per session
BioGenesis is the Birth of Creation. Remembrances or energies of the Process of Creation, brought forth through technologies that have not been on this Earth since the times of Atlantis, but have been recently re-introduced to humanity by Ascended Masters have been instilled into glass crystal tools/instruments. That glass crystal radiates this energy, thereby re-educating its environment with the memory of this process. By directing of this energy to the recipient, the energy accelerates the body's natural ability to heal by loosening blocked energy and assisting the body in the release of toxins allowing the body to restore its natural state of perfection.
Receiving of the energies of this Light of Creation through BioGenesis sessions can help restore harmony to all areas of your life. This energy can help restore health and energy to someone suffering from a variety of physical conditions, as well as to restore happiness, emotional harmony and mental and spiritual clarity.
Following Consultation, the recipient rests on a healing table, fully clothed; the Healer, using certain mandated protocols and intuited guidance, directs the energies of these very specialized crystal tools to the receiver. The energy soothes and nourishes your entire being, leaving you feeling in many cases for some time if not permanently, free of aches and pains. Other experiences may include seeing colored lights, visions, receiving spiritual messages, and a sense of well-being and connectedness to the Universe, to God, to all that is. As with Reiki, not each experience will be the same but as it is divinely given, it will always be perfect. A typical session will last just under an hour but may vary based on particular needs of the client. BioGenesis is also the perfect accompaniment to Reiki as their energies work so well together, so combination sessions can be very beneficial.
RATE: $140.00 per session
Long Distance Energy Work
As everything is made up of energy, the healing benefits of Reiki and BioGenesis are not restricted by distance and space. Even if you are not located in the physical area of our healing sanctuary, you can still have the healing services available to you! At the time of a scheduled session, we will either connect by telephone or email to get acquainted and discuss the particular desires that you have for your session. Reiki is always perfect, so if you do not have something specific in mind that you would like worked on, the energy is divinely guided so the healing experience will support your divine path. We will want to schedule the session at a time during the evening or weekend when you can be in a relaxed, quiet and private setting. I would also ask that you email or mail me a photograph of yourself prior to the scheduled appointment.
RATE: $125.00 per session
Oneness Blessing
What is the Oneness Blessing?
The Oneness Blessing is a transfer of divine, intelligent energy.
The oneness blessing process works by creating a neurobiological shift in the brain and awakening the energy centres (Chakras) in the body. This shift in consciousness frees you from the suffering created by the mind, balances the body's natural healthy and healing energies and attunes the brain with the fields of unity, bringing an end to the illusion of "apparent separation". Once initiated, it is a gradual Awakening process that leads you naturally to a lasting state of Oneness, Inner peace, and Well-being.
Why has the Oneness Blessing come at this time?
The Oneness Blessing has come at a time when our planet is going through a major evolutionary transition; this is impacting our environment as well as our individual and collective consciousness.
We are all connected to this process of purification and rejuvenation, in effect, we are this process!. In harmony with this transition, Indian Sage and living Avatar, Sri Bhagavan, has initiated the Mukthi (Enlightenment) Oneness Blessing, now called that Oneness Blessing as an aid to our evolution into the collective Oneness State.
Does the Oneness Blessing belong to any particular belief?
The Oneness Blessing does not belong to any religion or belief, it is a ‘dogma free' universal energy that can be received by anyone*, whichever path they choose to follow. It works uniquely and intelligently to connect you directly with the truth of your own being.
What is the neurobiological shift?
The onenesss blessing balances energy from (overactive) thinking centres of the brain to the (underactive) frontal lobe calming centres. This‘re wiring' of the brain enables the senses to become free from the interference of the mind. When the senses are unclouded by the mind's interpretations, a natural clarity of perception occurs with accompanying feelings of joy, inner peace, connection and Oneness.
How does this connect with the Planetary shift?
Each individual who awakens to their true, original state, has an inter-connected effect on the whole, thus helping humanity on the path to complete Global Transformation.
The more people who attain the Oneness state, the easier it will be for the rest.
Who can receive the Oneness Blessing?
Everyone of every age can now receive the Oneness Blessing.
Who can give the Oneness Blessing?
The Oneness Blessing can be transferred by anyone who has received the transmission and training during a special process in India or attended a oneness awakening course in their own country. The "oneness facilitator" then functions as a channel for the divine energy to transfer to the receiver.
How is the Oneness Blessing Transferred? What might I experience?
The Oneness Blessing is transferred by the facilitator, placing his or her hands onto the crown of your head, usually for about 1 minute. Experiences during the transfer can vary, sometimes strong or subtle. Sometimes the receiver may experience a tingling sensation in the head, sometimes blissful energy flowing through the body, or you may not feel anything at all, this is not so important.
The receiver can trust that no matter what he or she experiences during the transfer, a process depending on your own nature, has been initiated that will lead you gradually (or sometimes suddenly!) into your own, personal Awakening.
Can I speed up the process of transformation?
Once the body's energy channels and centers are open, the body is more able to receive higher levels of energy. Receiving Oneness Blessing once a week* when combined with Chakra meditation and breath awareness, may enhance the power and grace of this transformation. But only do what feels natural to you, on the path you choose to follow.
The Phenomenon of Oneness Blessings (Deeksha)
Spiritual phenomena are nothing new for mankind that has witnessed several of them in its long history. However, it is noteworthy that we are living in times when a spiritual phenomenon like never before is changing the course of history and the destiny of this planet by the minute. This is the phenomenon of the Oneness Deeksha/Oneness Blessing, the inevitable outcome of Sri Amma Bhagavan's intense passion to transform and guide humanity towards higher states of consciousness.
The Oneness Blessing/Oneness Deeksha is known to affect the neurobiology of the brain thus facilitating a shift in consciousness. This shift has far reaching effects, not merely restricted to the realms of the transcendental alone but also the material and psychological dimensions of life. There are numerous experiences of people having shifted from various states of consciousness in a single episode of receiving of the Oneness Blessing. What makes this phenomenon even more unique is Sri Amma Bhagavan's intent, which makes it possible for many thousands to be initiated as Oneness Deeksha givers all over the world that distinguishes this movement as a people's movement in every sense, wherein people work to transform their fellow human beings.
Today, this phenomenon has touched 160 countries and over a 100 million people.
Oneness Deeksha
"Man cannot make it on his own; it has to be given to him." - Sri Amma Bhagavan
The central understanding of Oneness is that inner transformation and awakening into higher states of consciousness is not an outcome of a mere intellectual understanding but through a shift in consciousness whereby one's experience of life is redefined at its core. This is achieved by the process of the Oneness Deeksha /Oneness Blessing which is a phenomenon sourced in the deep passion and the intent of Sri Amma & Sri Bhagavan.
Oneness Deeksha (aka) Deeksha is an energy transfer that brings about growth in consciousness. The level of consciousness of a person determines his/her quality of life experience. For instance, one's experience of the ongoing recession, the ability to handle misunderstanding in relationship or a daughter's rebellious nature, what emotions surge through when diagnosed with a health problem, the level of connection with people around and the joy experienced, the intensity of passion at work etc., depend on one's level of consciousness. As consciousness rises, there is greater awareness, joy, love, togetherness, and focus in everything that you do and experience.
The Deeksha neither requires practicing a particular way of living nor is an initiation into following a new path. It does not bind one to any philosophy or ideology. It transcends religious and cultural barriers from the fact that it only chooses to awaken each to his/her own spiritual tradition by facilitating a neurobiological shift, thus making religion a matter of personal choice and convenience. Hence people belonging to any faith or age group can receive the Deeksha.
Evolution in one's consciousness manifests as changes in all spheres of our life - health, wealth, relationships & spiritual growth. The Deeksha brings about a growth in consciousness, thus heightening your life experience. The Deeksha changes emotions and perceptions or helps one be free of perceptions. This shift changes one's approach to challenges and opportunities since when perceptions change one no more perceives a problem as a problem. When perceptions change reality may also change because the external world is merely a reflection of the inner world. Higher perceptions and positive emotions create a more successful and fulfilling life.
Effort does have a role in the Deeksha. While effort in the form of introspection, contemplation, asking the right question, having an intent, external doing etc. is also essential. The role of effort in this context is analogous to a plane speeding on a runway to take off, but the actual take-off also demands an appropriate wind current. The Deeksha is like the current that finally lifts the plane off the ground.
Deeksha is given by the laying hands on the recipient's head or sometimes through intent. In this case, the giver holds the receiver in his or her awareness for a few minutes and allows the Deeksha to flow. In this way, the Deeksha can be given at a distance of thousands of miles or to a large group of people all at the same time. Deeksha unfolds differently in every individual as it depends on what the receiver may need it most.
These are some of the common benefits in receiving a Deeksha as reported by the recipients. One can experience greater effects of it with prolonged exposure.
· Awakens creative potentials, abilities and intelligence
· Increases ability to learn
· Resolves inner conflict leading to inner peace and harmony
· Brings love to relationships
· Heals emotional hurts and reduces thought burden
· Evokes affection, friendship and a sense of connectedness with the other.
· Awakens compassion
· Infuses vitality
· Heals the body by healing the mind
· Relaxes the body and relieves stress
· Helps build love and appreciation for the body
· Invokes auspicious energies
· Removes blocks that hinder success
· Makes possible a mental frame for abundance
· Initiates a journey into experiencing unconditional love and joy
. Intiates a journey into Awakening and God Realisation